

《Sex and the City》還沒有征服世界之前﹐寂寞的優皮族﹐曾深被《Ally McBeal》觸動過心弦。《Ally McBeal》是Michelle Pfieiffer 才華驚世的丈夫 David E Kelly所創﹐ 中譯《甜心俏佳人》﹐故事圍繞著年青女律師Ally的愛情和事業﹐藉著律師行接下來千奇百怪的案子﹐道出很多耐人尋味的愛情哲理﹐也為不少仍然對愛情懷有憧憬的人帶來慰藉和希望。

Ally McBeal (Calista Flockhart 飾) 本和 Billy Thomas (Gill Bellows飾) 青梅竹馬﹐後來兩人考入波士頓大學﹐Billy一心想成為一名成功的律師﹐胸無大志的Ally痴痴地追隨左右。及後為了成為法院的見習員﹐Billy 狠心撇下了 Ally搬到密芝根﹐留下了Ally在哈佛法學院完成學業。一直以來﹐Ally對於那段沒結果的感情﹐一直無法釋懷。數年後﹐Ally 被舊同學 Richard Fish (Greg Germann 飾) 聘請﹐成為他律師行的執業成員之一。詎料Billy 竟然也被Richard 重金網羅﹐一對舊情人突然重逢﹐千言萬語﹐不知從何說起。最難過的事實﹐莫過於Billy 經已成為了他人的丈夫﹐妻子赫然是當年密芝根學院法律審核的總編﹑美貌與智慧並重的 Georgia (Courtney Thorne-Smith飾)。

第一季的故事圍繞著Ally 如何跟舊情人日夕相處﹐慢慢懂得放下過去種種未了事﹐重新開始。其後的數個seasons﹐因為劇集的成功﹐加入了不少的新人物﹐包括 Lucy Liu﹐Robert Downey Jr﹐及 Jon Bon Jovi。只是第四季中段開始﹐故事橋段一撅不振﹐到了第五季只落得草草收場。《甜心俏佳人》也曾算在上世紀九十年代電視史上佔據過一定的席位。Ally的衣著作風愛情觀﹐曾經成為了時代雜誌的封面﹐可說曾令人好好辯論過女權的新定義。


"The real truth is, I probably don't want to be too happy or content. Because, then what? I actually like the quest – the search. That's the fun. The more lost you are, the more you have to look forward to. What do you know? I'm having a great time and I don't even know it." ~ Ally

"We're not only wired to want what we can't have, but we're also wired to want what we really don't want." ~ Ally

"When guys are persistent, it's romantic, they make movies about that. If it's a woman, then they cast Glenn Close." ~ Ally  

"I've been dumped before. This isn't pain I'm feeling, it's nostalgia." ~ Ally  

"Sometimes... there's no point in the truth if the only thing it will do is cause pain." ~ Ally  

"Men are like gum anyway - after you chew they lose their flavor." ~ Ally  

"Everybody's alone. It's just easier to take in a relationship." ~ Richard  

"Sometimes I'm more persuasive when I lack conviction." ~ Ally  

"It's a problem being beautiful. It's only the handsome men that ask us out because they're the only ones who think they have a chance. And handsome men are dolts. Life is unfair to us. At some point we have to face the certain reality: despite all the good the world seems to offer, true happiness can only be found in one thing - shopping. " ~ Ling

"Love isn't always enough." 
"Yeah, it is. You go without it long enough and you realize it's everything." ~ Ally & Larry

"A penis is not a share toy." ~ Renée  

"At the end of the day, life is just this big wall of reality that we all crash into." ~ Georgia  

"Maybe I'll share my life with somebody... maybe not. But the truth is, when I think back of my loneliest moments, there was usually somebody sitting there next to me." ~ Ally

"Snow White. Cinderella. All about gettin' a guy. Being saved by the guy. Today it's the Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Pocahontas. All about gettin' a guy.
"So basically we're screwed up because of..." 
"Disney." ~ Renée & Ally  

"Sometimes... when you hold out for everything, you walk away with nothing." ~ Ally

"Will you ever forgive my letting go?" 
"I'll forgive it. But I'm still not sure I'll ever understand it. " ~ Billy & Ally  

"Looking backwards, many of the saddest times in my life turn out to be the happiest. So I must be happy now. Yeah. This is gonna be good. Why else would I be crying?" ~ Ally  

"Never trust a second thought. Where there is two, there is three. You will end up thinking forever." ~ Richard

"How do these things just spew out of your head like this? Couldn't you at least use your brain as a filter?" 

"That remark would hurt if I had feelings." ~ Ally & Richard  

"It can't last forever, of course not. But who made up the rule that the best loves do?" ~ Tracy  

"By not going down the road, it remains the road ahead which excites me. It even brings me joy." ~ John  

"If you think back and replay your year, if it doesn't bring you tears either of joy or sadness, consider it wasted.” ~ John  

“I'm not ashamed of wanting somebody to love -- I never have been, because I had it once. But maybe I never really had it.” ~ Ally  

"So here I am the victim of my own choices, and I'm just starting." ~ Ally  

"You can't win the raffle if you don't at least buy a ticket." ~ Ally 

"One of the keys to life: the fast forward. Every movie has its lousy parts. The trick is to fast forward through them. As time passes, you look back and say oh, that little thing, oh that. You fast forward to then right now, and you're over it." ~ Richard  

"There are some people who meet that somebody that they can never stop loving, no matter how hard they try. I wouldn't expect you to understand that, or even believe it, but trust me, there are some love that don't go away. And maybe that makes them crazy, but we should all be lucky to end up with that somebody who has a little of that insanity. Somebody who never lets go. Somebody who cherishes you forever." ~ Ally  

"I think I need to believe that it works...love, couplehood, partnerships. The idea that when people come together they stay together, I have to take that with me to bed, even if I have to go to bed alone." ~ Ally  

"The world is no longer a romantic place. Some of its people still are however, and therein lies the promise. Don't let the world win, Ally McBeal." ~ John


    1. "When guys are persistent, it's romantic, they make movies about that. If it's a woman, then they cast Glenn Close."一句,你道是 persistent 還是 president?

      錯過了頭兩季的 Ally McBeal,又因在「友台」播放,沒有翻譯的機會。到有心情看的時候,已到尾聲。

      那 29 段金句,教我有點「手痕」,但沒有 context,不容易,呵呵 ~

    2. Oh it really means "persistent"... that's a tribute to Glenn Close's breath-taking performance in Fatal Attraction. :o)

      This is a show full of great, catchy one-liners, kind of a Solomon's mines for translators.

    3. 短片中的情節,不期然教人想起Fourth Season 內,情味盎然好看的其中一幕:

      Larry為Ally 安排Birthday Surprise,在台上與Sting合唱,然後二人相擁起舞,互相交換溫柔的一段戲 ~~

      David E. Kelley過去在Law Firm工作的背景,確為《Ally McBeal》的劇情創作,帶來了既Dramatic但又Realistic的生動描寫。

      另外最近無意中得知:Vonda Shepard現在的音樂人老公Mitchell Froom的前妻,原來就是女歌手Suzanne Vega喎。

    4. haha, without context it's not easy. The ATV translators were not sensitive enough to taste the lines. Literal translation kills the show.

    5. Lemon Tree:

      Voila, this is the scene that you mentioned (
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0-S9Ne-dvU). I missed the show quite a bit, including Ally's neurosis and narcissism, flaws and all! I am glad that I bought the DVDs for all five seasons, they seem to be a rare commodity to find. :o)


      I admit, unlike Friends, the humour of Ally McBeal is not straight forward. sometimes it does require some cerebral gymnastics. The show's quirks do speak to me and offer a strange and elusive appeal....

    6. Yeah, this is one of my favourite scenes in the 4th season. I think Larry was a perfect match for Ally.
      Who could forget when Larry sang with Sting for Ally on 'Every Breath You Take'?? :-)

    7. Larry and Ally were supposed to get hitched at the end of the series. Too bad Robert Downey Jr. got into trouble again with his drug problems. Now that he's all cleaned up, we can also expect an Iron Man sequal in the future. It takes a romantic to be an Ally fan... :o)
