
柏德烈 一歲半


在網上閱過不少關於這部電影的正面評價﹐可說是冒名期待。好不容易等到電影推出了DVD﹐於是從亞瑪遜即時郵購﹐和《潛行凶間》同時寄到。昨天下班後閒來無時﹐拿出來一口氣看完﹐感覺很窩心。較之一些美國出產的獨立製作﹐編導演三方面而言﹐這部電影的視野和層次高出不之凡幾。電影中有一些地方頗能引起共鳴﹐但若說震撼力和即時經典的程度﹐卻又還沒有達到《斷臂山》﹑《囍宴》﹑《春光乍洩》﹑《Beautiful Thing》等作品的水平。可說是上中之作。電影劇種可以溫馨/溫情小品來形容。








  1. > 劇情聽來彷彿有點刻意

    I haven’t watched the movie but with my advancing years, adoption has become more and more a thought in my consciousness and a story about adoption is worth telling. What the movie describes is actually not that far-fetched – children up for adoption usually aren’t exactly the Dickensian orphans one might hope, even if they are really one and a half year old. They usually come from dysfunctional families where one or both parents are drug addicts and so are likely born with medical issues. For older children they are often emotionally troubled and, like your movie, with criminal history. People who intent to adopt simply because they want to start a family this might be too much a price to pay (remember the controversy a few months ago about the Tennessean woman who sent her adopted son back to Russia by boarding him alone on a plane to Moscow?) but the alternative will be what? Look at the surrogate mother debate going on in Hong Kong these days and I do think people who oppose that do have a point… Gay marriage seems to be such a cause célèbre these days but I imagine in ten or fifteen years gay adoption will be the hot button.

    Well I should off my soapbox now. By the way, you have never watched the movie "Mitt liv som hund"/"My Life as a Dog"/《狗臉的歲月》? It was a pretty popular Swedish movie in Hong Kong even 25 years back

  2. shangri_la:

    the plot was not far-fetched, just a little contrived. that being said, a few moments were quite touching. this is a movie worth checking out. i agree that in fifteen years, adoption by gay couples would no longer raise an eyebrow.

    《狗臉的歲月》? heard about it, never had a chance to watch. :o)
