飯後我和T跑到電影院看九點半那場「賀歲」電影《Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightening Thief》。剛剛把小說啃完﹐以為導演 Chris Columbus 會如開拍《Harry Potter》首兩集那末小心翼翼忠於原著﹐詎料編劇將故事的情節肆意扭曲增刪﹐拍出來的效果粗製濫造﹐賣弄一些見怪不怪的視覺特技﹐令人大失所望。年青演員的演技粗疏表面是一回事﹐角色欠缺深度感情則顯得導演拿捏失準。根據小說情節﹐本來男主角和戰神Ares(﹗)在Santa Monica 海岸決鬥﹐精彩紛陳﹐電影換來Percy 穿著飛鞋在紐約夜空和所謂的神電大盜追逐﹐就顯得無中生有小題大做。至於小說中比較精巧入微的佈局﹐在電影裡變成了中學生粗枝大葉的road trip﹐其實大可不必。連以厚道出名的T﹐看畢也不禁一言記之曰「cheap」。電影公司及導演如此糟塌原素材﹐隨手杜撰故事﹐也不必寄望電影能如《Harry Potter》或《Narnia》般廁身老少咸宜的長青傑作之列﹐更恐怕要步上《His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass》「只得一次」的後塵。
飯後我和T跑到電影院看九點半那場「賀歲」電影《Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightening Thief》。剛剛把小說啃完﹐以為導演 Chris Columbus 會如開拍《Harry Potter》首兩集那末小心翼翼忠於原著﹐詎料編劇將故事的情節肆意扭曲增刪﹐拍出來的效果粗製濫造﹐賣弄一些見怪不怪的視覺特技﹐令人大失所望。年青演員的演技粗疏表面是一回事﹐角色欠缺深度感情則顯得導演拿捏失準。根據小說情節﹐本來男主角和戰神Ares(﹗)在Santa Monica 海岸決鬥﹐精彩紛陳﹐電影換來Percy 穿著飛鞋在紐約夜空和所謂的神電大盜追逐﹐就顯得無中生有小題大做。至於小說中比較精巧入微的佈局﹐在電影裡變成了中學生粗枝大葉的road trip﹐其實大可不必。連以厚道出名的T﹐看畢也不禁一言記之曰「cheap」。電影公司及導演如此糟塌原素材﹐隨手杜撰故事﹐也不必寄望電影能如《Harry Potter》或《Narnia》般廁身老少咸宜的長青傑作之列﹐更恐怕要步上《His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass》「只得一次」的後塵。
敬祝 新春愉快 身體健康
好懐念以前在加國年三十晚回電台或到戶外做直播.. 好開心~
祝您和 T 兩家人都身體健康,生活愉快!
又,我沒看過 PJ 原著,還以為是一般童書呢。
今年華人社區慶祝得好厲害﹐唔知定係我好耐唔係屋企睇過本地新年節目? 承你貴言,大家咁話﹗
祝你和T, 還有你們的家人身體健康!
不知為什麼, 來到這裡, 除了你, 我第二個想起的竟然是你的外甥女! 我有點想念她. 可能我愛小朋友啩?!
新年快樂﹐身體健康﹗去年小女孩還什麼都不懂﹐這年就不同了。上星期當她來家的時候幫我媽媽佈置新年擺設﹐我姊問小女孩﹕新年要收紅包嗎﹖小女孩說﹕要﹗ 我姊又問﹕誰給你啊﹖ 小女孩說﹕舅父﹗既然給人點了名﹐就躲不過了。
lemon tree:
謝謝! 敬祝虎年快樂﹐身體健康﹐開開心心!
看完搞到我有D Home Home Sick忝 !
Coffee n Tea, galaxy and naruto:
Happy belated chinese new year!! My computer is now down with some weird and annoying virus, hence the delay. Wish you all the best in this coming year!!
happy new year to you too Best Actor!
just received your message... am sorry to hear about that :S Of course if you prefer i would ask if maggiejoella would take over your spot... however BA, you have already started your part, don't you want to finish it ? it is really be a pity...
Did you keep the part you've already finished? If you want, i can type the rest for you... simply send me your handwriting part (scan it)...
Please think about it and let me know your decision. Do not hesitate to send me via email.
Have a nice weekend :)
好記得92第1年去加國讀書, 年卅晚姑媽一家帶我去北美影城行花市兼睇下香港明星, 但排隊車龍長到不得了, 逼到入去連肥肥個身影到睇唔到, 哈! 不過都感受到過年氣氛, 叫做解下鄉愁
oh 唔記得同你講, 祝你新年愉快常樂, 工作順利!!
My computer is still being repaired as we speak, and I hope the files can be salvaged. I don't know how long the maintenance would take, and I feel bad holding up the train so to speak. I'll try to rejoin later on. Sorry again!!
Happy belated chinese new year to you and yours as well!! 1992, good old times, those were the days, which brought back very fond memories!!
My computer is still being repaired as we speak, and I hope the files can be salvaged. I don't know how long the maintenance would take, and I feel bad holding up the train so to speak. I'll try to rejoin later on. Sorry again!!
get it best actor ! then let's see how it goes, perhaps you may the 8th, after Haricot ?
Ok, sounds good, whichever causes the least inconvenience to everyone :o) (what's done is done)
Best Actor:
I am glad to learn you had a great time celebrating the Chinese New Year in TO. Best wishes to you, your partner, and your family !!!
BTW, I note that Michelle mentioned my name. Please refresh my memory: Am I supposed to do something ??
happy belated chinese new year to you and yours as well!
haha, no there's nothing you have to do in particular. it's a long story. my computer was recently paralyzed by a nasty virus and i had to use someone else's computer temporarily. given that i have held up 接龍說故事 long enough, i apologized to Michelle and asked her to let someone take my spot. instead she kindly reshuffled our order and I am now following you.
your name certainly wasn't taken in vain! :o)
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