《Chess》的構思來自英國填詞家 Tim Rice。本想和舊同學兼老拍檔 Andrew Lloyd Webber 合作﹐奈何當時 Webber 正忙於《Cats》的製作﹐分身乏術﹐Rice 於是向 ABBA 的 Björn Ulvaeus 及 Benny Andersson 招手﹐雙方一拍即合。
整劇的音樂比較接近流行搖滾﹐氣氛懸疑凝重﹐有別於ABBA慣見的歐陸電子流行風格﹐感覺比較大氣和具備矛盾及衝突的戲劇性。Rice 的歌詞保留一貫嚴緊精密﹐用字十分精簡﹐然而寓意深遠﹐尤以《Story of Chess》及《Anthem》兩首單曲最為出色﹐前者闡述象棋淵源悠長的歷史及棋枰上的千變萬化﹐後者超越疆界的家國觀念氣魄壯闊﹐令人熱血沸騰。
據Rice 指出﹐過去二十年來﹐這音樂劇斷斷續續在英美舞台上演﹐然而每次演出﹐故事的情節都互有出入﹐不一而足。劇終時既有蘇聯棋手以險著勝出﹐但也不乏美國棋手衛冕成功的例子。2008年的演唱會版本﹐Rice 決意將故事重新整理﹐訂立範本﹐以正視聽。

蘇聯的新棋手 Anatoly Sergievsky 和 Florence 在偶然的情況下相識﹐互生情愫﹐不意被 Freddie 發現﹐怒火中燒。棋賽上 Anatoly 棋高一著﹐Freddie 衛冕失敗﹐更失去了 Florence﹐受到雙重打擊。翌日﹐ Florence 帶著 Anatoly 往英國大使館尋求政治庇護。在手續的過程中﹐Florence 才暗忖二人相識短暫﹐應否如此義無反顧地戀上陌生人。美方向傳媒告密﹐大量記者在火車站等候二人﹐追問 Anatoly 變節的決定。Anatoly 在眾人面前說出﹐自己從來沒有離開自己的祖國﹐因為不管世態紛擾﹐國界只存於自己心內。
一年後國際錦標賽在曼谷舉行﹐Freddie 已退出棋壇﹐成為了國際傳媒的代表﹐Anatoly 和 Florence 聯袂而至﹐發現對手赫然是蘇聯的新棋手Viigand﹐更得悉 Anatoly 的妻子Svetlana 也一併到來﹐顯然是蘇方擾亂軍心的伎倆。究竟 Anatoly 能否成功衛冕﹐和 Florence 及妻子二人之間的感情如何取捨﹐他會繼續偷居自由異地﹐還是返回鐵幕祖國﹐音樂劇的末段是故事的高潮所在。
這次音樂會的歌手星光熠熠。擔任女主角的 Idina Menzel 是百老匯的當紅花旦之一﹐她在《Rent (吉屋出租)》中嶄露頭角﹐飾演Maureen一角。最為人熟悉的﹐則是音樂劇新貴《Wicked》中﹐塑造了西方女巫 Elphaba 的角色。Florence 的角色在原劇由 Elaine Page 主演﹐相形之下﹐Menzel 的唱腔略嫌硬朗﹐稍欠溫柔感性﹐在技巧上雖然揮灑自如﹐但在感情上彷彿未盡完美。

這次Anatoly 一角落到了 Josh Groban 的手上﹐事前很多人都不知道 Groban 能否勝任。雖然 Groban 的歌詣受到廣泛認同﹐然而音樂劇始終是另一種演藝媒體﹐年青的 Groban 能否投入角色﹐演活蘇聯變節棋手的內心鬥爭﹐委實讓人揣測不定。幸而 Josh Groban 全力以赴﹐尚算勝任﹐尤其獨唱《Anthem》一幕﹐感情精準細膩﹐雄渾的歌聲讓人汗毛倒豎﹐和 Menzel 的數場感情戲﹐也教人信服。

> Tim Rice 本想和舊同學兼老拍檔 Andrew
> Lloyd Webber 合作﹐奈何當時 Webber 正
> 忙於《Cats》的製作﹐分身乏術﹐Rice 於是向 > ABBA 的 Björn Ulvaeus 及 Benny
> Andersson 招手
The version I heard was more complicated than that. The relationship between Webber and Rice has long been a battle of ego and it reached the boiling point with "Evita". That's why Webber's next project should be "Cats" where the words of T. S. Elliot's poem were used in place of a lyricst. Their relationship further deteriorated when Trevor Dunn's lyrics was chosen over Rice's for the "Memory", which has been speculated to be the reason Rice to go his own way with Benny and Björn. Rumour mills has it that when "Chess" was premièred on Broadway, Llyod had used his influence to sabotage the show's success but some argued that it was the untimely collapse of the Soviet Union that made the Cold War theme of "Chess" a passé
haha, your version does sound more complicated, at least this was not the version that Tim Rice was willing to tell the world (or at least not what he told in the DVD).
Chess was a success in the UK, but when it moved to the US, it became a total train wreck and a big flop. there were so many variations to the plot, the events became frivolous and self-contradicting, which also contributed to the demise of this musical.
the revival of Chess in recent years set the record straight and brought back the charms of the original concept album. having groban, pascal and menzel these heavy-weight vocalists on board also made the awkward score almost mesmerizing.
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