「醜女貝蒂」取材自一套哥倫比亞電視連續劇集﹐女主角是一名戴眼鏡﹑箍牙﹑相貌不算搶眼﹑衣著品味駭人的少女。在美國版裡﹐機緣巧合下﹐貝蒂成為了紐約時裝雜誌翹楚 Mode﹐花花公子少東丹尼的女秘書。從第一季貝蒂初出茅廬不識人間險惡到最後一季長袖善舞臨危不亂﹐劇中人都在觀眾的眼前慢慢成長。
我們兩人習慣了一起追看這個連續劇﹐看到了over the top 極盡胡鬧誇張的情境和對白都會忍不住噴飯。喜歡編劇沒有什麼自我審核﹐但又案中有案的對白﹐精警啜核之處回味生甘。
Hilda: “A job is not about making friends. It’s about making money and stealing office supplies. By the way we're out of coffee filters.” 關於忠心
Wilhelmina: "Now as for the rest of you, your loyalty is admirable. You remind me of the orchestra that stayed behind to play as the Titanic sank."關於過招
Fabia: "You must come to the ceremony. I won't be able to get married without my something old.." Wilhelmina: "Oh with the veins in your legs you already have your something blue..!"
Wilhelmina (Holding out a cashew): "Who on this staff would willingly eat something that is 15 grams of fat per serving?"
Daniel: "Back when my mother, father and sister all worked here, people used to think I got preferential treatment, too."
Marc: "I can't go stag, hag"
Amanda: "Buy your own beer, queer"
Marc: "You can't just ditch, bitch"
Marc: "I'm not mean to you!"
Marc: "I'm not mean to you!"
Amanda: "You told me my head was too big for my neck!"
Marc: "That was constructive criticism!"
Amanda: "And what am I supposed to do about it?!"
Marc: (Looking at Wilhelmina's purple ribbon) "I thought breast cancer was pink?"
Wilhelmina: "It is. But Alzheimer's went better with the outfit."
Wilhelmina:(Having her skirt altered): "Higher!"
Christina: "Any higher and I'll be giving you a pelvic exam!"
Marc: "Oooh, fill my bucket with nothing but thigh!"
Wilhelmina: "Relax Colonel, we all know you prefer nuggets!"
Wilhelmina (to Betty): "Ohh come on girl, I'm black, you're Mexican, lets not stand here and chat like a couple of dull white girls!"
Betty: "I've had to say good-bye more times than I may have liked, but everyone can say that. And no matter how many times we have to do it - even if it's for the greater good, it still stings. And although we will never forget what we've given up, we owe it to ourselves to keep moving forward. What we can't do is live our lives afraid of the next good-bye because chances are they are not going to stop. The trick is to recognize when a good-bye can be a good thing - when it's a chance to start again."
有一些應該發生的感情(Betty 和 Henry) 沒結果沒結果沒結果﹐遺憾!
又有一些不應發生的感情 (Betty 和 Daniel)﹐讓它繼續悄悄隱伏﹐托賴!
無得睇UB呢兩個幾月,好鬼失落,又搵唔到其他野睇。至於個位可惡又可愛的Wilhelmina的演出,唔知佢加入Desperate Housewives後會點。
點解你唔貼埋season 3 finale 播 Time after time個段。
Vanessa Williams 值得有自己一個TV 騷﹐或者去做個長壽 Broadway 騷賺一大筆都好。
好多人而家睇Glee 同 Modern Family 囉。
果段 time after time 好 sad 喎。 :o)
VW岩岩做完sondheim on sondheim, 之後加入做靚太, 但我覺得仍欠代表作~ 但我會繼續力捧佢架啦!
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