看畢電影﹐有以下的感想 (不分先後)﹕
故事開始的時候﹐Milk 渡過40歲生日﹐正自向剛剛邂逅的朋友感嘆這麼多年來一事無成。原來真的要創下一番事業﹐不惑之年亦未為晚也。在往後的八年裡﹐Milk 從寂寂無名的小商家成為了三藩市政壇一位令人敬重的人物﹐世事比棋局更離奇。

演員的表現真讓人拍案叫絕。Sean Penn 是整部電影的靈魂﹐從化妝﹑服飾﹑神態﹑目光﹑笑容﹑聲線﹐SP 完完全全融入角色裡。整整128分鐘﹐SP捕獲了觀眾的注意力﹐將角色的性格和生命力盡數發揮﹐是那麼的引人入勝﹐可說沒有一秒的演出是多餘或失敗的。當然一個人演不了一台戲。其他演員的演出﹐雖然無法和SP的驕陽爭輝﹐然而群星閃耀﹐也恰到好處。靚仔小生 James Franco 飾演 Milk 的伴侶 Scott Smith﹐角色漸漸成長﹐和 Milk 的感情也演得蕩氣迴腸。令人驚喜的是《Speed Racer》的主角Emile Hirsch﹐將漫畫賽車英雄的木口木臉﹐完全捨棄﹐演出飛揚脫跳的activist Cleeve Jones﹐數場感情起伏戲拿捏精準﹐前途無量。飾演 Dan White 的 Josh Brolin﹐雖然角色篇幅有限﹐然而演出精彩﹐和SP 同場也毫不失色。總括而言﹐整部電影的演員都各盡其力﹐至於SP更有可能憑著 Milk 的角色再次問鼎金像獎。
雖然古今中外真正大公無私﹑為人民服務的政客少之又少﹐然而也有一些從政或在公共機構辦事的人﹐心裡的確存有服務社群的志願。在這部電影裡﹐SP 將 Milk 的熱忱恰到好處地表達﹐沒有刻意歌功頌德﹐卻教人十分感動。

很多人指出電影裡1978年六號動議 (Proposition 6 - Briggs Initiative) 和去年八號動議 (Proposition 8) 的鬥爭﹐有著很多平行而相似的地方。相信這個巧合﹐真是連導演﹑編劇和演員也始料不及。導演透過電影說得再清楚也沒有﹕基本人權應以法律平等的原則出發﹐不應該以「少數服從多數」或宗教教條來決定。過去三十年來﹐美國的平權運動有很大的進步﹐只是環顧現今的氣候﹐距離真正達到平等公正﹐仍然有一段遙遠漫長的旅程。電影裡主角多次強調行動和希望的重要性。沒有坐言起行的真實行動便無法令社會拾起改變﹔沒有希望﹐一切奮鬥便不能堅持下去。
今年的「爭獎」電影不少也有看頭,這齣《Milk》則是因為《Proposition 8》吸引我,而不是 SP
最初看 James Franco 是十多年前他演復古青春電視劇《Freaks and Geeks》,他那時候就有種亦正亦邪的氣質,適合演「不正路」的人物
還有,politican 這詞翻譯成中文時得注意一下,「政客」從事政治投機、玩弄權術,不是好東西;「政治家」多少要讓時間來考證其政治見識和才能,是個不容易開出的封號。看看內地同胞翻譯的稿件,統統把 politican 喊「政治家」,真夠寬容、大方。香港一些媒體老愛寫「政客」,卻未免太抬舉彈丸之地中的二三流政圈中人了
Sean Penn近年所接拍的影片,題材都有點過份嚴肅,感覺幾沉重。老實說,亦影響了自己想觀看他演出的意欲。
Great review! You beat me writing this post. I'm still ruminating my thoughts of the film, which I have seen twice. It's a work in progress.
lemon tree:
這部電影的基調不是很灰暗壓抑﹐因為主角的命運昭然若揭﹐是以導演利用了比較抽離的手法﹐沒有刻意煽情﹐一切都很 as a matter of fact。雖然我對於SP本人有所保留﹐但我不得不否認﹐我對他這次的演出敬重有嘉。:o)
oh you already saw it twice? well it's about castro street after all, i am sure you can relate to the neighbourhood better than most of us. thanks for the compliment! i was trying to publish this entry this thursday, but i made a last minute switch with a book review last night.
i was a little disappointed that SP didn't win the Golden Globe. however, award winning or not, i honestly think SP did a superb job portraying HM. in terms of the prevalence of right-wing christian fundamentalism in the US and the scandalous passage of prop 8 in California, one can only say "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose", there's still a long way to go. 革命尚未成功﹐同志還須努力。
I was probably the last gay man to see the film! Hordes of people have snaked around the back parking lot of the Castro theater for almost a month! I was waiting until the hype has lost its steam to see it.
It means so much to me that this is in our backyard. The night the film had its world premiere was bittersweet because the gay community was hip deep in the battle of Prop 8, which annuls gay marriage. The film I think is well-done although it's not over the top. It doesn't perpetrate the mistake to portray Harvey Milk as "god" and Dan White as "the villain."
I might be up for third. :)
this is certainly a movie worth a second or third viewing in the cinema. fictional or not, i like the depiction of the relationship between Milk and Scott Smith. i was talking to T in the car on our way back home from the cinema and he said (SPOILER ALERT) by leaving Milk, Scott was perhaps wise enough to "foresee" what would happen to him if he stuck around Milk, the stress would be too unbearable. Scott changed his "fate" by leaving the person he loves, but Jack didn't. i like the "reconciliation" towards the end between Milk and Scott, after all, they still love each other whether they are together or not. love is supposed to be like that.
so much to discuss about this flick! :o)
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